Ruritan Officers

  • 2024 officers of the Warrenton Ruritan Club are (left to right) Director Roger Sites, Secretary Jeff Cahall, Vice-President Eric Maybach, President Glenn Hourahan, Treasurer John Shiflett , not pictured is Director John Schlenker


Finance and Fund Raising

  • Public Relations

  • Business, Profession & Scholarship

  • Social Development

  • Citizenship and Patriotism

  • Environment

  • Public Service

Ruritan Club Constitution and Bylaws

ARTICLE IV. Membership

  • Section A. It is recommended that club membership be composed of people representing a cross-section of the community.

  • Section B. Any person of good moral character and reputation shall be eligible for club membership.

  • Section C. There are three kinds of membership, namely: active, honorary, and associate members.

  • Section D. Club membership may be acquired only by invitation, transfer or reinstatement.

  • Section E. Any member of this club may present the name of a proposed member to the president. The president shall present the name of the proposed member to the Board of Directors and upon majority approval, the name shall be submitted to the club. Upon approval of a 2/3 vote the person shall become a member of that club providing a quorum is present.

Ruritan Officers (Archive)

  • 2020 Ruritan Officers

    Ruritan officers Left to Right John Shiflett Treasurer, Earl Browning Vice President, Randy Ream Secretary